
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Animating Update

As seen from the previous post , I have animated how the three weapons I have design so far are going to be animated when it attacks the other drivers. I have also animated the defense shield that you get from going over a certain symbol that will give you a shield to protect from all weapons for a couple seconds. I also have animated somewhat of how the speed boost is gonna work. I would like to, if the time permits to make a simple track in which I can show all the animations I have made.  Hopefully I will have time to design and incorporate more of the environment I have planned for the game but it is taking a little longer then I expected.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Attack and Defense Animation

All the Attacks will have the same reach of how far they can attack the player in front of them

RTF - Camera Attack - The driver is able to rewind or fast foward another driver.

 CS - Code Confusion - The driver is able to invert or randomize another driver's control.

Art - Color Overload - The driver is able to spray a user maybe with a variety of different sprays that are to be determined later as to which. The main one I can think of is possibly a color spray paint that blinds the user momentarily. Another Spray type could be an adhesive but unsure at the moment.

Defensive/Speed Boost
Driver will be able to get a speed boost or shield by running over a certain area of the tracked marked on the floor.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Animated Gifs Examples

I thought it was interesting how these animated gifs were used to show progression and/or 3d models. 
First one is a comic going from simple sketches to finish.
I thought this was a interesting way in which the present an Iron Man suit and then somewhat have a turnaround.
This is also another progression from simple sketch but the end result is a completely render 3d model of the scene.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Another Animated Gif Test

I added a flame coming from the back of the spray can rocket that does change in size and flame particles coming off of it. I also added a ground to break the space up more and to show the 3D space more. I will be trying to animated more of the attack and defense skills.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

3D Animation Test

    Test for animation from 3DS Max

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Environment Ideas.

  1. Maybe still go on the idea of racing on campus but on a smaller scale, not the full campus. But this option would still require a lot of model and decent accuracy of how campus looks and feels like.
  2. Racing inside the buildings of campus, model it based on the halls of buildings that might occasionally travel outside the building. This option would limit how much I have to model and collision detection would be easier to add if I was to import the models into unity.
  3. Race track would not mimic either campus or the building inside but certain buildings and landmarks would be seen through the track. This option would give me the option of design more outrageous streets and other things.
  4. I could also go more nature oriented like many other games, but I feel this option wouldn't be as well since it would not have to do anything with UT or any college for that matter. I would need to somehow merge college into nature if I want to do this option

Monday, August 5, 2013

Environment Exploration

I attempted to white box out the layout of the campus to see how it would look but there seems to be to many obstacles to model as some buildings are different heights and the streets vary also because of hills. I will probably try to model a small section in order to see how tough a bigger scale will be.

Another idea I am thinking about is maybe just having famous landmarks present instead of laying out the campus as it is. It would also let me play around with the track more instead of having to follow the map layout of the streets.

Friday, August 2, 2013

The Crew Cinematic

Interesting and unique way to introduce the game

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Ideas for Driver

Emoticon Helmet